扉と扉のつなぎ目のように音楽を通じて人と人とをつなげていくことを信条に、ハウスやディスコなどを軸とした純粋なGOOD MUSICを体験できる場を提供するパーティーコミュニティ。当パーティーと関係があるゲストを招聘し、イラストレーターによる似顔絵ブースや、雑貨、アパレルなどを販売を行います。
A party community that provides a place to experience pure GOOD MUSIC based on house and disco with the belief of connecting people through music like a link between doors. Guests related to the party will be invited, and there will be a booth for portraits by illustrators, as well as miscellaneous goods and apparel for sale.
If you have any questions or concerns about the event, please contact us.